Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm Tired.. So do you..

Hi blog..

Sorry br skrg sy update.. Sy bz sket 2 mggu ni klas br start.. Byk yg berlaku tp x smpt sy nk ceritakan.. Huhu tp yg utamanya, things r getting worst.. Worst than ever.. 😞


The only thing i dont want to deal with... It ruin everything... Most of all it ruins me! When there are lies, honesty will be questioned, trust will fall apart, people change, and things will never be the same...

It will take time to heal.. And Mayb it will never heal.. Who knows..

How to solve this? Im tired... I know u too...

Aku minta petunjuk mu..
Andainya ternyata tertakdir bersama..
Basuhkan curiga ini dengan kejujuran nya..
Hilangkan prasangka ini dgn keikhlasan nya...
Teguhkan yakin ini dgn kebenaran dr nya..
Tolong aku, Tuhan...

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